Zoroastrianism is an Iranian religion, one of the oldest organized faiths, based on the teachings of Prophet Zoroaster. It has a monotheistic ontology, a dualistic cosmology of good and evil, and an eschatology that foretells good’s triumph over evil.
What singled out Zoroastrians from other religions throughout history is its distinct cultural practices, especially the values regarding gender equality.
In Zoroastrian society, women have traditionally had a very exalted and liberated standing. In actuality, gender parity or equality is a central tenet of the Zoroastrian religion. Men and women are treated equally, and history is rife with instances of women who were taught to handle weapons and mount horses like men, engage in combat, and even rule as monarchs in ancient Iran. Even today, Zoroastrians celebrate a girl’s birth with the same fervour as a boy’s. Both boys and girls are encouraged to excel in their careers and pursue higher education.